OK, Shane and Aido have both expressed playing some 5E to me in the last conversations I had. I tht of running a one-off to scratch that itch, but we all know those are not really fulfilling and we already know how to play 5E.
So, I was thinking of a new campaign… then I recalled we are already playing a 5E game ;)
It seems Chaddy and Sal are not going to be making any games ATM, so… 2 ideas:
A> We start this up again. (See next post for how I would go about this).
B> We start a new 5E campaign.
Now as you all know, I am fine with ditching and starting anew. That will not bother me and will be no less planning than continuing this. But, as players, it is up to you. If YOU really want to continue this campaign, then let's do it.
“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” – Harry S. Truman